Approved Trader
10 Ways To Reduce Your Energy Bill

Many of us are being faced with expensive energy bills and are looking for ways to reduce i, but the question is how? Here at approved trader we give you 10 great ways of reducing your monthly bills while helping the enviroment with 10 ways of reducing your energy bill.

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Many of us are being faced with expensive energy bills and are looking for ways to reduce i, but the question is how? Here at approved trader we give you 10 great ways of reducing your monthly bills while helping the environment with 10 ways of reducing your energy bill.

1. Control Your Rooms Temperature

There is no need to heat every room at the same temperature. Some rooms are occupied all day but others, such as bedrooms or bathrooms do not need to be kept at a continuous high temperature. 19 ° C in the living areas, 17 ° C in the rooms not used, you will reduce your heating consumption and your bills.

2. Block cold air intakes

Close the fireplace inserts, doors that open onto unheated areas (basement, cellar ...). Close doors leading to the outside or unheated rooms. Also make sure your homes doors and windows are well fitted ensuring no gaps for cold air to get into.

3. Turn down the heat in your absence

Needless to say you do not need to heat the rooms at the same temperature as if you were there. During the absence during the day, turning down the temperature a few degrees in your home can help you make big savings. If you are away a few days, consider putting your heating system on low to avoid from freezing. Through programming and regulation, you are able to adapt and anticipate your temperature needs saving money.

4. Retain heat inside

Keep your curtains reducing the heat loss through the windows, double glazing / triple glazed windows can great improve your homes energy efficiency.

5. Save hot water

Use cold water when appropriate, cold water can be suitable for many uses, consider taking showers instead of baths, this will greatly reduce your homes energy consumption. Remember to turn it off the water heater when you don`t need it.

6. Use less electricity

Avoid unnecessary consumption, don`t leave your computer running all day (or all night) when it`s not in use. Turn off light when you are not in the room, turn off your TV and other appliances dont set on stand-by. There are so many opportunities to save money on your electricity bill with a little thought.

7. Insulate your home

Prevent heat from escaping. In a non-insulated housing, 30% of the heat can be lost through the roof. It is therefore necessary to isolate first. Then ensure you have good insulation in your homes walls and windows.

8. Replacing an old boiler

Newer boilers can be highly efficient. You can save up to 40% by installing a condensing boiler to replace your old boiler. There may be grants and subsidies available to replace your existing boiler depending on your circumstances and location.

9. Use energy efficient appliances

Equip the kitchen, lounge and other rooms with efficient appliances, check the label which will detail the energy consumption. New electrical appliance often consume less energy than older appliances.

10. Cook with Care

Home cooking can be used to heat our home, don`t use over sized pans, keep saucepan lids on. Also cooking multiple meals for use later can reduce the amount of energy you create (ensure this is safe reheating food incorrectly may cause food poising).

If you have any more ideas on how to reduce energy bills we would love to here from you please email us at

Energy Saving Tips